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Цитата ( IrinaN » )
Намекают )) но совсем не на возможность покупателю на условиях EXW подать декларацию за продавца. Представитель может подать транзитку за экспедитора например

В базе судебных решений Консультант плюс более сотни дел ( не важно о чем они ) в кторых фигурируют контракты на DDP

Пошел в сарай и случайно нашел не имеющий ко мне никакого отношения договор иностранца с тампредом на таможенное оформление товара по контракту на DDP. Выкладываю фрагмент шапки договора:

№ 1/2016

Moscow "____" July 2016

PFF Europe b.v., hereinafter «Customer», represented by General Director Richard M. Cornelissen , acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one part, and Instar Logistics Ltd, hereinafter the «Customs representative», represented by General Director ....., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other part, jointly referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this contract of delegation (hereinafter - «Contract») on the following:


1.1 This Contract is concluded in implementation of the contract № 3280416 from 24.06. 2016 between the Customer (the supplier under the contract) and “Novokuibyshevsk Refinery” JSC ( the buyer under the contract), terms of delivery DDP Russia, .........(Incoterms 2010), according to which the Customer is obliged to carry out the customs clearance on the territory of the Russian Federation of the goods imported to the customs territory of the Customs Union.

1.2. According to this Contract the Customs Representative undertakes to render to the Customer the customs operations on the customs clearance on the territory of the Russian Federation on behalf and by order of the Customer during import of the goods to the customs territory of the customs union in the frameworks of the Contract 3280416 dd. 24. 06. 2016г.., which was signed between the Customer and the Buyer on the terms of delivery DDP (Incoterms 2010) Russia, Samara region , ....... ... 1(Incoterms 2010). The Customer accepts, pays for the services and the costs (expenses) of the Customs representative on the terms provided in this Contract. Parties have to perform their obligations under this Contract and legislation.

«Российская власть должна держать свой народ в состоянии постоянного изумления» (Салтыков-Щедрин)
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